Wednesday, June 29, 2005

What does it mean if someone sends you this : ??


Anonymous said...

umm.. that they are beautiful, intelligent, sophisticated, basically one of the many goddesses in human form and you a mere male lumbering dithering mortal? :-) go look it up

Anonymous said...

I could be mean and say things about you, but I will not.
I'd be pleased with myself by giving you your words worth, but I cannot.
Its not about you being great, but more about where your mirror is placed.
When you look at yourself in there, dont forget where you are currently based.

oh, by the way - learn some english! I was asking what it would mean to you if a random person sent you that image. Not me sending it to you and not someone sending it to me. someone sending it to you!

anyways.. maybe next time

Anonymous said...

aiyo! Shruthi! I wanted to know who this was so I checked up and found it was you!

Please ignore all the rude parts of the previous comment, didnt know who I was talking to.

Anonymous said...

:-) well you can be pretty rude.. the darker side of chandna? of course its me, do u know anyone else who would use the word dithering in normal conversation? nice poem by the way, my favourite mere mortal....