Monday, July 05, 2004


I do believe I have spotted the dalmation that I was painting yesterday in a manner that may be compared, when looked at, to a polka dotted dress.

God I can't believe thats what actually went through my head!! When I started writing this I had no clue what to write for todays blog, so I figured I'd type anything and everything that I felt like typing and would keep doing it until the sentence finished.
I was amazed at how my brain actually thought up different things to type and that too so fast!!
I started off with 'I do believe.." cause somehow saying that gets me some time to figure out what to wype next.. usually your brain doesn't need to think about typing once you have decided what you are going to type.. right? so for that much time
(the time that you take typing the begnining of a sentence) I was able to think up various follow up pieces of text that could have made sense.. but my fingers chose to write "I have" since I'm very used to typing those words and came as quite a reflex.
I get a feeling that if I continue to talk about my stunning experiences during this race between the mind and the fingers, I would probably lose most of my readers..

will be back - some time - same place - tomorrow!


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