To begin with, I didnt expect it to be the kind of movie it was. I didnt even expect to like it if it wasnt what I was hoping for - but it was 'so good!'
It was a mockery of the governments ruling the world today. It was a mocking well done!
Its a very well made movie, the sound and effects are great. The story has too many holes, and is practically impossible - but the movie is done so well and the meaning behind it all is so clear that it doesnt matter.
A man gets shot with all the bullets coming from the guns of 9 men - and when I say all, I mean till their guns ran out of bullets. He lives to save the day, only to die after all the saving, including telling the girl that he loves her - after which she sends him packing in a train full of explosives to blow up a huge building.
All said, you have to see it to believe it. Its not mushy crap, its not a serious nose job - its simply true.
The movie is based on the vengence of one man, but leads to a lot of other things. There are very many small things that reminded me of the world outside the colosseum (the cinema;)
Not many movies are, what I would like to call, slick.
This was a slick movie, it probably even can stand as an identifier for slick movies.
Sin City is a slick movie, slicker than kill bill but not as slick as VforVendetta. The Matrix, made by the Wachowski brothers - who also worked on VforVendetta, was not a slick movie, it was in a different league altogether. Dont really know what to call those kind of movies..
There is one line V says thats very intriguing - 'Its the idea that lives on, not the man' and I tried to come up with something to support that line, "Its not the movie you will remember once you have seen it. Its the idea behind it that you will."
I'm yet to watch it. So, I'll let you know later whether you're allowed to cheat on my letter or not :p
Chandna, do me a favour... remove my last name from your blog and from ahste... anyone searching with my name gets to my blog... including co-workers... not great for privacy...
i liked it too. good entertainment. i hope somebody comes up with a plan to blow up our HRD minister's house and kill all members of the congress before that...( except our PM, cause i like him)
tht was pai..what is this jazzy thing?
:) sorry, this design has some bugs I havent been able to fix yet...
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