Saturday, June 25, 2005

Another small trip

I have now decided to return to my old form of writing... metaphorical!

Early one morning, around 10am Chinoor, the lead character (back in form!) wakes up and realizes he is late. Not dead… just late for a meeting he had scheduled. A foldable mechanism was his humble abode at the moment, which he got off and figured looking good would be a nice option for the day. A new device to help ease the soles of his foot, was bought a couple of days back which helped him walk long miles, longer than they usually are. Seriously, physics is very relative – you make walk a mile and think it was a minute long, not to mention thinking that you just broke the Olympic record for speed walking; but nonetheless it would seem quite short.
Anyways, returning to the initial story, morning ablutions were done in style and ready was he to move on to dangerous territories and travel through various different states. Two to be exact.
He left his home, his joy to face a world of greed, selfishness, anger, hurry and ofcourse very loud horns! He found himself in a cab after walking for an eternity (at which point it would seem that he was either walking really slow – to spend an eternity walking and still not get there; or he was walking the wrong way)
The cab guy shouted at chinoor before he got in it a weird word –“maaddikal”
Only later did he realize that it was just a polite gesture which meant – “Good morning Sir, I am headed towards the bus stand called ‘Medical’ in Delhi. If you would like I could give you a lift till there for a meager sum of Rs. 15/- only”
Who could refuse such a polite request! In fact Chinoor let the driver know that he would be getting off a little before “maaddikal” and the driver obligingly offered him a five rupees discount!
Isn’t it amazing how a little bit of politeness can get you so far in life – 16 kilometres to be exact.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...