Thursday, January 26, 2006

The Internets funniest chat(shows)!

The FUNNIEST website on earth! (also the most addictive)

never open this at work - you might just get fired.

Here are some quotes found on their site:

Real life should have a fucking search function, or something.
I need my socks.

Spin: arrrr, pirates of the south west
Spin: thar be large pipes o'bandwith near ye'ol univarsety.
Pirate: yearg, ye may be an ta somethan thar.
Spin: what say ye we pull yonder USB hard disk longside yonder NMSU puter and begin tha lutin and plunderin.
Pirate: yearg. The master done gaved me a testin machine with a grand ol CDR.
Pirate: Avast!
Pirate: MP3s off the starboard bow!
Spin: stere clear of ye porn pop ups rollin in from tha east.
Pirate: I have mah trusty Opera browsa to help me fend em off.
Spin: encrypt the data holds, batton down thar security patches, argh thar be spyware abound.

If you went camping and you got REALLY drunk with your friend and you
woke up the next morning with a condom stuck up your ass would you tell anybody?
i dont think so
Wanna go camping?

#################### The first time hypr opened a box of Cheerios and looked inside he yelled, "OH WOW! DONUT SEEDS!"
wtf are donut seeds

WallJam7: roses are red
WallJam7: violets are blue
WallJam7: all of my base
WallJam7: are belong to you

there's a small fire burning in my room
lemme guess im supposed to act suprised that you're telling us and not making any attempt to extinguish it, so i can submit it to bash where it will join the ranks of the other "SOMETHING CATOSTROPHIC HAPPENED SO I CAME TO TELL YOU GUYS ON IRC FIRST INSTEAD OF ATTEMPTING TO DEFUSE THE HOSTILE SITUATION" quotes that are grossly abundant, similar, and overrated. and despite a new one is submitted each week and only the location of the fire is altered, loyal viewers firmly believe it is a unique and hilarious quotation, pledging support in the form of unneccesary votes

Stupid fucking Google
"The" is a common word, and was not included in your search
"Who" is a common word, and was not included in your search

Do read this too.. funny but I didnt want google to track my site for this word:)!


Vaibhav said...


Dude, i gotta hand it to ya... this is definately the funniest site I've seen!

I like these... among teh smaller ones!

Scud: The other day, in the park, I was wondering why frisbees look bigger and bigger as they get closer to you
Scud: And then it hit me

@AntiHeiss: friend of mine went to jail last night
@AntiHeiss: he probably isn't getting out for a while

The_Coolest: y?
Enyo: why?
%The_Coolest: :o
@AntiHeiss:it was a girl cop, she was pretty cute too
@AntiHeiss: she said anything you say can and will be held against you....he sat there for a while and said 'tits'

Vaibhav said...

pihlopase: Jesus Saves

jbroome: pases to moses, SCOOOOORE

Vaibhav said...

asr: 'fo sheezy.

Sabboth: what the fuck does that mean in english? you should understand that having a day job precludes me from 'keeping it real' and as such, I lack a certain familiarity with the language of the 'streets' as it were.

Vaibhav said...

Raven: Come, boy wonder! We shall rid the world of crime!
monkeymilk: yes! together we will thwart evil-doers and criminals alike!
Raven: To the batcave!
monkeymilk: wait, my download just finished

monkeymilk: 20 minutes of gun point rape
monkeymilk: or so the description says
* monkeymilk is away - away

Raven: ...Maybe he's trying to think up ways to save the girl. =/

Robocop: he never said girl, could be two guys
Raven: ...

Raven: So, Robocop, are you prepared to clense the world of evil in the name of justice, as my trusty sidekick?

Robocop: no i'm busy trying to find a good site for making a pipe-bomb

* Raven is starting to think IRC isn't the best place to start his superhero campaign.

Toller:- hey jaimer
jaimer:- hey
Toller:- i loves you sweet ass, baby
jaimer:- excuse me?
Toller:- we gonna get together an fuck tonight
Toller:- right?
jaimer:- You stupid shit
Toller:- ?
Toller:- What?
jaimer:- This is toby johnson, right
Toller:- you know it is, duh.
jaimer:- I'm doing tech support on Jamie's computer
jaimer:- I'm her father, you little shit
Toller:- hah!
Toller:- what's
Toller:- your joking right/
jaimer:- I am. I know where you live. I'm coming over to your house now. Don't try to run, I'll find you.
Toller:- Jamie, it's not funny
Toller:- Jaime?
psmylie:- You're screwed, dude. Her dad's psycho
Toller:- fuck
Toller:- Fuck!
psmylie:- best run, boy
*** Toller has quit IRC (Quit: )
psmylie:- You're an evil bitch, Jamie.
jaimer:- lol
psmylie:- brilliant... but evil
jaimer:- he's an asshole anyways

Guo_Si:- Hey, you know what sucks?
TheXPhial:- vaccuums
Guo_Si:- Hey, you know what sucks in a metaphorical sense?
TheXPhial:- black holes
Guo_Si:- Hey, you know what just isn't cool?
TheXPhial:- lava?

SparTacus ( has joined #santcuary
*SparTacus is now known as Betty_Guns
wacko Jacko ( has joined #santcuary

wacko_Jacko:--ok spartacus just came n here i know it. which one of you is that loser?
hunney:-- I am spartacus
ji_pper:--no im spartacus
Betty_Guns:--I am spartacus
mistr andersn:--I’m spartacus
wacko_Jacko:--ur all freaks thats what u r

LovingAndLosing said...


Anonymous said...

Where do you chance upon such random stuff?

Anonymous said...

i second chinmaya. hows your work going? for the information of the world, gautam chandnas birthday is on the thirteenth of february. before i forget to wish you.. happy birthday :) in super dooper advance

Anonymous said...

hulllo! please send me your number or you ll have to do with a happy bdday mail..hmpf!

Mighty said...

Yo, Chandna, happy birthday buddy... I'll probably come and visit you next year...