Sunday, December 26, 2004
A guy walks into a store and asks, "hey, whats that!!"
the shopkeeper looks very amused, finding it funny that someone actually doesn't know what that device was..
he replies, "thats a thermus"
the wierd guy doesnt have a clue! he feels he was better off not knowing what that thing was,instead of now not
knowing what that thing is and also the wierd name the shopkeeper just gave it...
"what does it do?" he asks
The shopkeeper replies, "It keeps cool things cool and hot things hot!"
that line helps make the shopkeeper an instant sale, here we find that the wierd guy was also rich!
The next day we find this guy walk into his office very enthusiastically with his new thermus!!
his boss, knowing he didn't hire this guy for his brains asks "do u even know what that is???"
he replies, "YES I do!! Its a thermus. it keeps cool things cool and hot things hot!"
his boss goes on to ask, "what did u get in it??"
he replies, " Two coffees and one scoop chocolate ice cream."
Monday, December 20, 2004
It's a world that belongs to a few, it's just your own ideals placed on a shelf.
You stand up for what its worth, You claim whats not yours.
The world would die a meaningful death, if us, it adored.
A feeling you might possess, for yourself or someone else.
A thought, it so excels, your eyes look down to where even the rock melts.
Monday, December 06, 2004
Enough is enough!
Who ever realized that it actually is so true!
There wasn’t much I’d learnt in the past that I did today,
I feel like a man, a bigger one than before, but the idea sure sticks like glue!
There isn’t to say, is there? There isn’t much to do, I hope.
For the answer I was supposed to just look, but where?
Everything everyone told me to understand, I just said nope.
Feeling stupid, feeling glum.
I could just hide my face and face reality from behind a mask.
Could I stand, when I know I can’t show my face.
Would I hide, when someone calls out my name?
I think its time, time to smell the flowers,
Butterflies wander the lawns, birds sing their songs,
They don’t really ask whether they are good enough.
I think I should too, just stop asking around,
Time I think I should be what no one else wants to be.
Does it matter that I was pushed around before,
Does it matter that I get easily convinced?
I might as well jump in a well and never come out,
Should I be the one to whom, when u drop the bucket, you shout?
Call me when you need me, is what people did.
I feel deprived of the aftermath; I feel I give it away.
I believe in God and I hope I was blessed,
For I really wish to ask myself, if he did bless
Have I had enough?
For a question so simple all I can say, is yes.
I’ve fallen before but only on my knees.
This time I don’t need a crutch,
But I need a lot more help, please.
The night is beautiful, its dressed up like a bride.
The stars make it so elegant, yet away from me it takes a stride.
This one that I fell for, I had fallen before.
Thought it wasn’t possible, so let the wind blow it towards the shore.
We, may or may not be here tomorrow,
These moments, I will remember tomorrow.
The feelings, I have are of love,
But it seems they have flown away like a dove.
Why is the sky and the land seeming all new,
When I asked, the crazy wind replied,
You fell in love, unknowingly,
What have you done, unknowingly?
Love is crazy, it’s just too much fun,
It’s unaware of pain or happiness.
Forgive the crazy man, he will soon set,
He too is unaware, want a bet?
Who was that devil in the green dress over there!
Do you know her? I might just need the number to her lair!
Her soft, blue eyes seem like heaven to me
In a second I feel like Bruce Lee!
12 o’clock! 3 o’clock! 2 o’clock! Jump!
The time has come to make the music pump!
The crazy man certainly went crazy,
His life sure did feel a bit hazy.
But you were there to keep my eyes from becoming soggy,
Turns out my specs were a bit foggy.
I trust God to keep us all happy,
I trust him with all my might,
And this time if I do may say so myself, God sent you, right?
Friday, December 03, 2004
The Relevance Theorem
I hope you aren’t so shady that you couldn’t get that.
The Relevance Theorem states something, hearing which you feel a needle wrapped up in bandage to make a cloth ball, is dipped in hot tar and dropped in his coffee, which the waitress serves the wrong guy and asks you to pay for it all the while taking her clothes off making you feel very embarrased since you are in the middle of Beethoven's 9th Symphony's orchestral presentation at the Royal Grand hotel behind kalashipalyam, where the buses make noises like hyundai motor engines!!! and looked like yellow taxis which had fares that would make jet airways feel local transport is more profitable and works towards a better economic policy for the country making all of us proud of out nation! all the while cunningly helping increase currency rates high enought to convert all their money into pounds and going bankrupt leaving only traces of jackfruit chips which taste awesome with ketchup. Basically, anything and everything is relevant, assuming the situation you are in makes it so.
Economically speaking one can never be sure whether the policies made today will ever suffice to see the light of tomorrow. All that we can say is based on how ‘man’ decides its relevance. As proof I discuss this case study in which three yound ‘men’ travel, meanwhile expending a lot of liquid funds, taking risks, feeling cold and finally making it economically viable by reaching a bank run by the Home Government on time!
The Relevance theorem need not be associated on to economics. It is relevant at all times, places, situations, landscapes, blue bricks and yellow postcards.
"huh...", sleepy as ever he lifts his head off his pillow.The day goes by. Relevantly put, we realise that the day was irrelevant for this proof.Abigail and Po have finally packed their luggage and are ready to leave on a mystical journey through the amazing landscapes of north India all the way to a valley, frozen between hills on all sides, yet as soft as dew drops on grass in early winter mornings. They were to travel at night, so the they didn't see much since they were mostly sleeping, but they got to the valley at 4:30 am sharp! Chinoor was their tour guide, he never left their side. Maybe once at the bus station, but that was ok, since Abigail and Po weren't screaming. The Tour Guide Chinoor was a cheap and viable solution for Abigail and Po’s plight since he worked for free. At this point I would like to inform you that no live humans were hurt during the making of this story. The timing may have been sharp but nobody got hurt.The night travel was quite amazing. Although Po would not have been able to make it without a certain Thankar's help. Abigail and I can't be certain whether Po passed out or was happily asleep, since we didn't wake him up to ask. The bus was, as usual, a Government of India Transport Vehicle which makes use of the best suspension systems accross the world over! unfortunately the roads on these heavily trafficked areas have many, if there be such a word, bucket-holes. In the world of economics it is necessary to discover avenues where one can take loans from foreign bank by way of liberalising oneself. As discussed some days back by our own Finance Minister, using other peoples savings is not a bad idea, this was certainly the relevant thing to do for Po, since his cap was inadvertently lost after he invested it in a local bank.
The threesome sat together and Po got the window seat. We were seated right behind the worst set of seats on the bus. It was good fun discussing the pros and cons of sitting on the worst seats in the bus. A bar partly blocked entry into the set of seats that was called the worst set of seats. It was called so, since the door was at such a location that if any naughty boy were to 'chuck' a stone (or rock for that matter) towards the bus, it would enter at high speed through the door and develop a certain trajectory that would take it through the empty lane in the middle and right into the worst seats on the bus. We however were sitting right behing this set of seats and were saved since if there was a naughty boy who did 'chuck' a stone at the bus aimed at us, it would merely hit the window. In such a case there are only two possibilities. Firstly, the stone bounces off the window and all of us makes faces at the kid! or the glass breaks and a quilt of shattered glass covers the three of us and we sleep till morning without much trouble since it was a bit cold and a small quilt would have helped. If you didn’t get the relevance of that, stop reading!!!Lucky for us, it was nighttime and little naughty boys aren't allowed on the streets after ten. We then attempted to sleep. Chinoor using all his yogic knowledge puts his hands on his bag and his head on his hands. Abigail didn't want to lie down, niether did he want to lean on anyone, so he tried sleeping sitting straight. Po had his head on the window. Now lets thank Thankar! Every company in today’s world needs to realise the importance of innovation and creativity, this led to every man deciding his own future by selecting the perfect way to sleep. Considering that the body wieghts and fat orientation of each man were very different different styles were required. Outsourcing was considered for this job, but it seemed the irrelevant thing to do, only women can be that d… hehe… Some days back Chinoor had borrowed Po's cap cause a close friend of Po's and Chinoor's thought that he looked good in it. Chinoor, never wanting to let go of a good looking opportunity took to the cap instantly! Unfortunately for him and Po, the cap was borrowed by a certain somebody who... well... lts just say didn't give it back and Chinoor wasn't really in a position to say, "gimme my cap!!" This is what happens when a business deal goes sour. A bank uses the funds given to it by people like you on projects with unforeseen expenditures. Indian banks usually face huge losses but thankfully the customers forgive and forget (and I hope this doesn’t remind him…)
Thankar! we all love you! He lent his cap to Po, it was red in colour. I say was since it truly was... but no longer is. Maroon maybe, red - nope. The potholes on the road were very entertaining and it actually looked like we were nodding our heads to some rap song. Po was seen with his head in a smooth beat, moving up and down and even giving a little style with the cap when all of a sudden we see him go 'BANG' with the window!! It was stunning! I jump forward to see what company the glass was!! ... not! Chinoor and Abigail looked at each other and thought - he's either a heavy sleeper or just got knocked out. Such deals are always good for the borrower and bad for the lender. Proper use and benefits of having a cap were experienced by po who by chance was in a situation where he needed one!
Its funny how Abigail and Chinoor started thinking alike and even saying things at the exact same time. Considering that the common set of words in Abigail's and Chinoor's vocab is the little oxford's dictionary - it would be 45,000 words. The probability of him saying one word of those 45,000 is obviously 2.2E-5 and the same goes for me choosing exactly one word. The probability of us choosing the same word is a whopping 4.8E-10 !!!!!!!!!!!! don't worry... it makes no sense to me too. But at such places such values seem more relevant that ever.
Women on the other hand never follow the relevance theorem. Since for them everything at any time or place is irrelevant, even if it doesn’t seem so. If asked to select a car from a large number of choices the first criteria for a man would be POWER! And for a woman would be COLOUR!
For actual proof, here is a small tidbit:
I bet most of you have seen the movie in which a guy wakes up everyday to the same day??? and somehow only he remembers that the day has begun all over again and everyone else has no clue.. Groundhog Day.well.. how about this: life itself can be classified as something like that. It is a set amount of time, you don't know how much time... but lets just say a LOT of time (equivalent to a lifetime.. hehe)... when u die.. you just start over as a kid, and you have no clue that the things that are happening just happened some 'time' ago!!!!And to make it more complex think that everyone is an individual experiencing this, but their 'time' is superposed on your 'time'!! so when you are doing the things you are doing.. they are doing the things they are doing.. when the 'time' limit approaches, all goes back to zero and none of you have a clue of what happened and you start over again thinking its for the first time!!
Its like the girl from 50 first dates!! she had a single day memory, i.e., as soon as she slept she forgot all that happened during the day.. in the same way: when u die, you actually come back as yourself! as a child ofcourse.. hehe..and get to relive this already lived life in any way you like.. its completely up to you to do whatever you want.. heck! you were probably were some great hero last time round, or probably just a flopped out actor. or you could have just been exactly like you are now.. kinda boring, but... its you! hehe..
Most women would consider that tidbit of information TOTALLY irrelevant, but simply put, it does make sense! Economically we could experiment with a model that considers that its players start over from zero everyday and whatever they do differently affects their own and everybody elses profits in ways yet to be permuted.
The logic is just simply mindblowing!
As you must have seen, the above proof was totally IRRelevant to the Relevance Theorem. (If you still didn’t get it, read I R Relevant as three separate words.)
Saturday, November 27, 2004
it hurts
Wlking down a road yet unseen.
Aspark of joy, the sound of thunder,
Al roaring and yet everything is so clean.
The madness rules, the man does not,
Your head it seems is just a small clock.
What you see around you may seem blue,
Whats in your head ticks away without thought.
I am what I seem to be,
for it must be what I want,
I am here today to scream at me,
for I do lack something, but what?
Life is wierd and painful,
People think it is so at a certain time.
I believe it is meant to be so,
We walk the path and make it all seem sublime.
I am asked many questions,
Ones that I would answer without doubt.
About the tough ones I think a lot, but why?
I should just do what seems right.
I am what I am and I will be so for now,
Since thats all I know how.
Saturday, November 13, 2004
Its funny how I cry over something u call nothing.
Somehow I still can't get myself to laugh.
I was looking for a mirage, I was so sure it was there.
I still agree to disagree, me being wrong I just can't bear.
Somehow, I now think I was.
A magnifying glass is something a child looks through,
Through his life he learns, focus, how to?
I learnt it well, didn't know what to.
Most of this is just nothing.
Mostly cause it means that to you.
I wish it were different, but even the wish means nothing.
Why do I type? There is no aim.
I'm just bored like hell, and the internet does'nt ask for a reason.
chuck it....
Friday, November 05, 2004
I dont know...
"I dont know."
I have said, "I dont know, yet."
or, "gimme one week."
or, "I'll find out."
or at sometimes even know about it!!! and say whatever I know..
but never, "I dont know."
and I feel.. actually I know.. I can't do anything about it.and for some reason, it feels nice.
nice to know that nothing needs to be done, because nothing can be.
sounds like ignorance, but is it?
Tuesday, October 26, 2004
The Dreamer
Once upon a time in a village called Ram Nagar, there lived a man who knew. Ram Nagar means the town of God. No one realised how ironic that statement that really was, until one day.
Ram Kishore Kanhaiya Lal Tripathi, a one man army to his fields, a mother to his only child. Amicably called Ramu, this lad at twenty five didn't expect much from life.
There wasn't much change in the town for a very long time. Ramu still worked on his ancestral farm, the locals were the same. Not many people went in and out of the village. When I say many I still leave a little gap for a few to come by, and it were these few that started all the trouble.
"arey oh! Ramu!", a voice from behind the corn bushels called out, "kidhar ho bhaya?!"
People knew Ramu's habits, he was on his field everyday but today was different. Ramu was still sleeping.
Popat Lal, often called Lalaji, was the local money lender (a loaning bank with extremely high interest rates) was looking for Ramu. The crop was ripe and his money was all he cared about.
Ramu was sick, he couldnt even move. His son was crying but he could do nothing. He needed a breakthrough, he just dreamt of one and got it.
To this day people lived thinking that their past is behind them, but what they didn't realise was that they were looking the wrong way. You past is ahead of you because that is what you can see! Your future is coming at you from behind, because you never know what you are going to get.
What is your whole past was just a dream that you dreamt last night. You woke up thinking its all true and are so convinced about the things that happened yesterday that you can't stop, even for a second, to believe that all this is just yesterdays dream.
Time isn't quantifiable object. If you believe that its possible to see your whole life flash by you in a second just before a car crash, why can't it just be a second long?
Every dream is a lifetime in itself, we just seem to be stuck in this one. I will wake up tomorrow and forget that any of this happened. I will forget that I ever wrote this. I will forget whatever I need to and know whatever I want to. And if I dream of today all over again, I might start off tomorrow continuing today. If I dream of something totally disconnected I wont really think of today as the true yesterday. Yesterday would have been dreamt up in my head some instant before I wake up.
In all this there is some hope. You can make sure you dream a good dream.
Wash away the dirt, use some soap. Make sure you don't scream.
Who said the sky is the limit? Dream a new one today.
The centre of the Universe, shift it. Bring winter to may.
Imagine the possibilities, what's left is not really gone.
I still believe that your dreams can come true, because they do. Dream on.
Wednesday, October 13, 2004
i got so freaked, i checked my modem - it was fine... i check if the phone line was plugged in - it was... i checked for the dialtone - it was dead.
i felt so lost, it was like being rejected by a girl!! (and thats putting girls on a higher platform btw)
i wish this never happens to anyone on earth. may the your computer be always connected!
ITS ALIVE AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'M CONNECTING RIGHT NOW!!!
Tuesday, October 12, 2004
The Candyman
But then there are times of freedom.
Acheiving which requires meditation no one can lend,
Relaxation too, helps, if you can get some.
I wish I knew how to get there,
The question still remains in my head.
I wish even more I knew where!
Confusion is a fact based on what I said!
Out of the blue, you hear a man scream,
Ice Cream! Ice Cream!
Sounds funny doesn't it?
Not for the man selling even in his dream.
You might be happy and content,
And being evil is obviously not your favourite past time.
Being nice? you sure are hell bent!
Don't you believe listening to you preach,
The world would be just fine?
But just look at yourself,
You bruise like a peach!
If only there was one man,
Who would be the ideal one.
Well, fine! there could also be a woman!
Who would know what is done.
There might be someone like that,
Someone you probably know.
Is he your 80 year old Uncle?
Who thinks your morality doesn't show?
Is he irritating, in his own special way,
one that you just couldn't let go away.
If he your nephew, just 2 days old,
Cho Chweet!!! and yet so pure!
Who will obviously get diluted and distilled,
And in a decade or two call you out of date!
Who the hell is the happy man?
Who knows the limits and the loops?
The one who you like and who likes you too.
You can always be certain of his feelings.
Always sure that he would be there.
Wouldn't you want to be like this man?
Who understands people better than what psychiatrists say?
He is nice to all and is still happy in himself,
Is it because he derives sadistic pleasure,
seeing people happy?!?
There is one man who everyone thinks he has in himself,
The one who can't stand somebody cry.
Inside you he is kept on a shelf,
who can't stand when things go awry.
This man is what people say is your consience,
It seems in most people he is asleep!
There is one being in me, the one I call the candyman,
Who makes me happy and gives me sweets when I am down.
Who is always nice and somehow bad memories from my head he just knows how to ban,
To say the least, without him I'd feel like a clown!
Someone would doesn't want to be evil,
Who thinks support is all one needs.
Who is willing to give, in the interest of others.
Who is willing to recieve, unless whatever you give is your mothers!
Wouldnt I like to be him to myself,
someone I wouldn't just keep on a shelf.
The Candyman would make life sweet,
for me and for all
The Candyman would break the ice,
The Candyman would be just so nice.
I wish I knew him well enough probably thank him more often,
But who would want to be evil anyway,
Not you I suppose.
And even if so, what wierd stuff happened?? did you go astray?
There are reasons always which tell us why.
But who interprets them and lets us know.
Who shifts our one track minds to levels beyond the ones we generally show?
Woudln't we all love to see this man,
In all his glory?
Wouldn't we all like to know this man,
Probably want to know his life story!
Love is something this man needs not,
mostly because its all he's got.
Liked by all and hated by none,
Helped by all and he is the one who needs none.
And this might sound wierd but
If this is you and you are the author,
wouldn't you want to be the man himself and say
"If you know me well enough,
I am the Candyman."
Science!!!! Isn't it strange??
What you might think true could just be one.
If science was a guy, wouldn't you like to meet him?
Honestly speaking I'd say he would be quite dumb!
A child in class four asks less questions than science,
And a man in his eighties talks more sense than it!
But still we believe that science in itself is fiction free.
I'm Mr. Science, if ever said that candyman,
Would it be strange or plain simple worse?
Impossible it may seem,
What relation could science have with my dream?
One thing I'd like to know
Does the candyman believe in snow?
Does he believe in the beauty of sound,
Or does he just play according to the bounds?
Science teaches us to reason with facts,
It teaches us to write down and enforce pacts.
But is it possible to stick to rules?
Is it possible to use a benchmark?
To me a benchmark is what I did in class,
I might see a pigeon
And call it a dove even through plain glass!
It is me who is thoughtful, not science.
It is the candyman inside me who notes the beauty of a bird,
Not the Science that calculates its speed.
The Candyman, what a wierd thought.
Since he is so nice, and always loved by all.
Could he be so naive, as to be evil free inside out?
Is he also one of us, who manipulates and calculates,
Things which people know and hear,
Just so that the world could to peace, adhere?
I suppose it is possible,
Possible for him to be stupid!
I suppose it could be possible,
Possible for him to be insanely clever?
If he did believe in science,
and all its facts and beliefs.
Does he actually follow the path of rules?
Or does he just use the ones that apply.
I'd like to know what he could be like?
Is he something that, without science, would die overnight?
He might be a saint, but what could he preach?
If facts are what he talks of, science it is.
If inferences he makes, science does he breach?
Science in itself is a huge topic,
It has many parts, more than what you think.
Even talking is a science, wierd as it may seem,
but you do know for a fact, wink doesn't mean blink!
Its just a taboo to people who are scared,
Its just a boo-boo for cry babies who can't handle what Einstien said?!
Science is not Physics, science is not chemistry.
They sure are science but there is more to it than just that.
Science itself is defined very wierdly,
Its like a contract drafted by a very intelligent lawyer.
No loopholes to let fiction creep in,
Even varialbes are defined in advance,
And hope is like a trend.
Would the candyman believe in facts?
I guess he would like to know before he talks.
He would like to talk but about things he does know,
Unless he is in college and just likes to blow hollow!
Do you have facts about your life?
Do you know why you are alive?
Philosophically I would say there are reasons beyond compare!
Your ancestors would know better, unless you pay the world your share.
Psychoogically I would be called 'depressed' if I ever asked that question,
A prescription would tell me to sit and relax.
If the answer really that wierd?
The candyman must believe in science!
how the hell can he devise so many methods to keep the world alive?
Does he calculate people happiness on a scale of one to ten?
Goes to the church or a temple to clear his facts about the hive?
Hey, wait a minute. We know he makes us happy,
But since I need to know,
and I'm guessing you would like to think,
Is the candyman ever happy?
does he not need a candyman for himself?
It gets wierder still,
Science discovers no bounds,
It just found a new thing it calls recursive compounds!
Since everything has a past, a future will come its way,
The present is what I say should be dealt with right away!
The candyman lives more as a memory,
He dies more like a child.
He may have been there for your dad,
But the one with you isn't that old?
Nor is he that knowledgeable.
What happened to the candyman who taught your parents to be nice?
What happened to the candyman who could recite your dads credit card numbers twice!
Is your candyman, a child to your dad's?
Is my candyman not related to yours.
Any different is the one in the ads?
What science governs this stuff?
I'd surely like to know!
Relativity.. is it true?
My present crush would determine my candymans answer,
But to someone else she might look like a goul!
Does that mean I'm wrong? does that mean my candyman is nothng but a song?
My candyman doesn't know what you think, he doesn't know what you say.
He only speaks of things relative to which I wouldn't say nay.
Is it science that defines the candyman? just like a moving train?
A ball may be sitting at the window, you may call stationary.
I might be a dog playing catch running to the ball hopelessly!!
Thoughts seem to wander, my head seems to leave me,
Times are more of knowing what you think.
myself I just seem too dreamy,
Interesting is what I call, catching you wink,
rather than knowing myself as the missing link?
I might think differently though,
ForI reality is too much fun to let go!
Sunday, October 10, 2004
How the mind flies...
Friday, October 08, 2004
Once in the valley of the brave and the dead,
I found a guy who thought he couldn't fit in,
He was the type you'd never expect to commit sin.
He was shy, a closed life he led.
A little of most things he claimed,
Most of a few he never took credit.
Self concious this man seemed not,
My god! what a man he turned out!
This ain't a poem for those who know him not,
This ain't a poem for those who know him too well.
For those of you who have no clue, you wont really get the plot,
and for those who already know, isn't there some place you have to go?
Could have ragged the life out of the guy,
But he already seemed dead.
Thought there were some things I needed to buy,
Taking him along was the only thing that came to my head.
I learnt more about him, I got to know him better.
He tried going to the gym, he never looked cuter.
Girls are his only weakness, he found one right there!
He spoke to her too, all I could think of him was how dare!
It seemed as if we both had similar interests,
I wasn't too keen and he seemed pretty much complete.
He backed out a little after me, certainly wasting my effort,
Turned out too intelligent was she, he actually turned to books! his last resort.
Shady as ever most of the year past,
In any case the whole valley had a blast!
Music he played, but was never on stage,
We spoke of things like market value,
Yet he never turned the page,
Instead there was on his face a red hue.
He never danced, he never sang,
He didn't want to embarrass himself.
He never performed, he never stood infront,
He preferred himself placed on a shelf.
When the year went by,
He missed all the action.
People spoke of him,
but only verbal interaction.
It was time a friend and I,
Took over and pulled off his tie!
The Ring around him had to be broken,
Stones, I accepted as a token.
Moves were discussed, Songs were sung,
Most of it was pretty much bung.
Anyways, we had a couple of laughs,
The third guy was pretty much split in halves.
Conversion took place,
realisation overcame him,
You should have seen his face!
When he saw his own little Jim!
It was time, he had had enough!
He figured life like this is tough!
No more mister nice guy!
Here was our man, he was no longer shy!
He took to the dance floor, like a party to its host!
He danced like a man, well almost.
He was on stage with a guitar,
And I think it was right after a visit to the bar!
The crowd cheered him on,
A song he loved was played.
A new man was born!
This time the new man stayed.
beep beep - beep beep - beep beep - beep beep - beep beep
"huh...", sleepy as ever he lifts his head off his pillow.
The day goes by.
Abigail and Po have finally packed their luggage and are ready to leave on a mystical journey through the amazing landscapes of north India all the way to a valley, frozen between hills on all sides, yet as soft as dew drops on grass in early winter mornings. They were to travel at night, so the they didn't see much since they were mostly sleeping, but they got to the valley at 4:30 am sharp! Chinoor was their tour guide, he never left their side. Maybe once at the bus station, but that was ok, since Abigail and Po weren't screaming.
The night travel was quite amazing. Although Po would not have been able to make it without a certain Thankar's help. Abigail and I can't be certain whether Po passed out or was happily asleep, since we didn't wake him up to ask. The bus was, as usual, a Government of India Transport Vehicle which makes use of the best suspension systems accross the world over! unfortunately the roads on these heavily trafficked areas have many, if there be such a word, bucket-holes.
The threesome sat together and Po got the window seat. We were seated right behind the worst set of seats on the bus. It was good fun discussing the pros and cons of sitting on the worst seats in the bus. A bar partly blocked entry into the set of seats that was called the worst set of seats. It was called so, since the door was at such a location that if any naughty boy were to 'chuck' a stone (or rock for that matter) towards the bus, it would enter at high speed through the door and develop a certain trajectory that would take it through the empty lane in the middle and right into the worst seats on the bus. We however were sitting right behing this set of seats and were saved since if there was a naughty boy who did 'chuck' a stone at the bus aimed at us, it would merely hit the window. In such a case there are only two possibilities. Firstly, the stone bounces off the window and all of us makes faces at the kid! or the glass breaks and a quilt of shattered glass covers the three of us and we sleep till morning without much trouble since it was a bit cold and a small quilt would have helped.
Lucky for us, it was nighttime and little naughty boys aren't allowed on the streets after ten. We then attempted to sleep. Chinoor using all his yogic knowledge puts his hands on his bag and his head on his hands. Abigail didn't want to lie down, niether did he want to lean on anyone, so he tried sleeping sitting straight. Po had his head on the window. Now lets thank Thankar!
Some days back Chinoor had borrowed Po's cap cause a close friend of Po's and Chinoor's thought that he looked good in it. Chinoor, never wanting to let go of a good looking opportunity took to the cap instantly! Unfortunately for him and Po, the cap was borrowed by a certain somebody who... well... lts just say didn't give it back and Chinoor wasn't really in a position to go up to her and say, "Just for that gimme my cap!!"
Thankar! we all love you! He lent his cap to Po, it was red in colour. I say was since it truly was... but no longer is. Maroon maybe, red - nope. The potholes on the road were very entertaining and it actually looked like we were nodding our heads to some rap song. Po was seen with his head in a smooth beat, moving up and down and even giving a little style with the cap when all of a sudden we see him go 'BANG' with the window!! It was stunning! I jump forward to see what company the glass was!! ... not! Chinoor and Abigail looked at each other and thought - he's either a heavy sleeper or just got knocked out.
Its funny how Abigail and Chinoor started thinking alike and even saying things at the exact same time. I actually had a little free time so I did myself some probability. Considering that the common set of words in Abigail's and Chinoor's vocab is the little oxford's dictionary - it would be 45,000 words. The probability of him saying one word of those 45,000 is obviously 2.2E-5 and the same goes for me choosing exactly one word. The probability of us choosing the same word is a whopping 4.8E-10 !!!!!!!!!!!! don't worry... it makes no sense to me too.
The next morning while we were crossing some forest, Chinoor wakes up Abigail and tells him, "Home is near, wake up! and tell Po to wake up!"
Abigail wails,"huh? here? already? where are we?"
"It's here... just get up!"
The bus is stopped at a place called chandrabani bus stand. We get off and they forget chinoors bag inside. Abigail runs in to rescue the bag and jumps out a few seconds before the conductor shouts in the local language, "is there anything else?"
"no no.. thank you", replies one of the three
We walk over to the house and Chinoors dad, who was awake all night waiting for his son to get back shouts, "He's here!! he's here!! he's home!!"
Abigail and Po are introduced and are rechristened ABCD.
We go and sleep some more, Po somehow feels he needs some sleep too. Chinoor's Granddad had to get a cataract operation done so he was in town. Lucky for Abigail and Po the car was to their disposal as long as they dropped and picked up Chinoor's Granddad to and from the Hospital! The first day began with a light serving of what I like to call 'FOOD'! Abigail and Po were stuffed after three measly paranthas! Po loved the mango pickle. Chinoor showed his hidden talent, eating everything down to the last bit, still not gaining any weight and also still feeling hungry.
We drove straight to the eye clinic and dropped off Chinoor's mom and his mom's dad... hehe... his Granddad. From the three drove off to see Doon School, from the outside. Then through CP towards Astle Hall. They visited Ellora's while Chinoor had some work in the bank. Kumar Sweet Shop, the kulfi faluda there was just too good. Chaat Gali had gol gappa's which weren't really appreciated by Abigail, but anyways... after which we played a game of pool and no, not swimming. We met up with Chinoor's mom at the other clinic where he was told it would take another hour of probably more. This was the perfect opportunity to visit Rajpur Road! on our way we tanked up the fuel and ourselves too at The Yeti restaurant. The view was all the two tourists could care about. Deer Park was an ok place, it had an dustbin the shape of an elephant. We actually got to see deer's! which is quite a rare sight at that place, but anyways... moving on we came back home since Granddad needed some things from home and his operation was surprisingly scheduled on the same day! The plan was that the three of us would come home, relax a bit and then drive back and then see what happens. Dad however thought differently, he took the car and left the three of us home. This is when most of the grand tour of the house happened. It was then clearly defined that Abigail is the heaviest among the three. The see-saw, as already hinted, was always on Abigails side. There was one thing that they found the most, as they would call it, 'trippy'. There was a staircase that led to the roof at the end of which there is a door. It doesn't have walls on the sides nor does it have a roof on top, just a door. Also they found a cieling fan in one of the bathroom's which was again termed wierd, but anyways... We made dinner comprising of bhindi, french fries, gobi paranthas, mushroom soup, chapathis, salad, rice, etc. It was good. We watched... ok fine they watched Kill Bill 2 on the comp while chinoor slept off. It was good too.
The next day we again had to drop off my Granddad at the clinic and take him back too, so we did that, and visited the IMA and the Forest Research Institute. It was there decided that Po and I are to buy FRI and convert it to our homes, or atleast send an architect here to take ideas for our houses to be. Abigail thought we were idiots.
We went home and then visited the Budha Mandir and the World Peace Stupa. I think its better left up to Abigail and Po to explain how they liked it. Lunch was at home, mom cooked so it had to be awesome. We left for Robbers Cave!
The way there was in itself quite interesting. Dad had some work in the bank again and I was the perfect ginni pig. So I had to take a detour through the wrong end of town. Since chinoor was visiting this place after about a year or so, he didn't exactly remember the way there, but he had a very clear vague idea! They did end up in the wrong place, but that was ok since now Chinoor knew exacty where to go!
Around 4pm, a green car, a deserted road and a sign board on the left. The ground was flat everywhere, but the left road was like a plunge into the forest. We turned left, the cemented road which now looked like a mutilated cemented road just lay there. It looked like it hadn't been used much by vehicles, just people and animals. The road itself wasn't too wide - it was a scary way down. We zig-zagged down the side of the hill, not knowing if there would be any traffic from the other side. On one side was the hill and the other the cliff, it was a road that took you down, slower or faster, you decide. Once on the plain we all took a deep sigh and went through bushes that were covering the road. On the side we spotted an open air swimming pool too! It was funky! The road took us towards a river that appeared to have little water. Chinoor parked the car infront of a tree, making it seem like he banged straight into it. Seriously, he parked it like that. He did not hit the tree.
We took our bag and put on our shorts and walked on with courage and Abigail put his foot in the water "ooohhh.... its cold!!!!", he yelped. We managed to reach the start of the cave. The whole river was supplied by water through this cave, so the seemingly little water now seems quite a bit since the cave was about five to six feet wide. We walked in, Chinoor led the way, Abigail grasped Po's hand and vice versa. For all those having read Tin Tin, this according to Po, was a lot like one of the caves depicted there!! Since we were in a hurry rock climbing wasn't really a very open option. We reached a spot where going any further was very difficult since we would have to either climb a waterfall or jump over it. Both seemed impossible cause all the other two wanted to do was get on a rock and roll!!! and thats what they did. It was good fun sitting on top of a rock stuck between the walls right above a waterfall!
On our way out I told the guys to hurry up since it was getting dark and I wanted to say jaguars, but I said bats. Surprisingly that helped a lot since Abigail turned out to be VERY scared of bats! we exited quite fast and actually ended up having close encounters with a lot of bats. It was fun.
Chinoor lost the way back but didn't say anything... but that was ok, He ended up getting on a road he knew and brought everyone home. Dinner was deadly again. After that there wasn't much to do, so we went to the roof and stared at the stars. Sleep was on its way and I got most of my share that night. The next day they left for Dharamshala.
Chinoor got bored and wrote this... hehe...
Thursday, October 07, 2004
blogadelic - Chapter 1.1
He lived not alone, but with a room mate he would much rather call somebody he shared the room keys with. He didn't interact much with his friends, he didn't have many at that time. All he had was a girl.
"Wake up!!!!!!!!!!! Assembly starts in five minutes, get up!", screaming at the top of his lungs came Manas.
"..... .... ...."
basically very bloody confused!!!!!
Aby George Plammoottil were in town!!!!!
two people --> Aby George and George Plammoottil
Monday morning we arrived by bus. slept. went to the city and they saw
Day 1
1. The Workshop
2. Doon School
3. Drishti Eye Clinic
4. CP
5. Ghantaghar
6. Astle Hall
7. Bank of Baroda
8. Ellora's Bakery
9. The Vegetarian
10. Kumar's Sweet Shop
11. Paltan Bazaar
12. Lakshmi Restaurent
13. Mosque
14. St. Thomas' College
15. Tibeti Market
16. (arbit) Market
17. Deer Park
18. Rajpur Road
19. The White House
20. St. Joseph's School
21. Khurbuda Mohalla
Day 2
22. Turner Road
23. Forest Research Institute
24. Indian Military Academy
25. Budha Mandir
26. The World Peace Stupa
27. Machi Talaab
28. Robbers Cave
29. The view!! (mussoorie from my roof)
Day 3
Mussoorie was cancelled due to time restrictions. They had to leave at 12:30pm, and we couldnt possibly be back by this time if we left for mussoorie in the morning.
Some of the major things that we left out.
1. Sehestra Dhara
2. Lachi Wala
3. Mussoorie
4. Ramgarh
5. Dak Pathar
6. Dat Kali
etc. etc. ...
anyways.. bye for now!
Wednesday, October 06, 2004
I'm BACK!!!!!
anyways.. now that I'm back home.. I hope to atleast fill in one blog for the vacations..
ciao for now! will write one in a couple of days...
Thursday, August 05, 2004
what post do I write this time????
I finally have found a new flat to live in since I am vacating my room in residence.. life outside seems to look easier even though it is know to be tougher.. but still... why not?!
Its funny how u can be pro towards something and then against it and still be able to use the same points!
I mean.. a car can 'take you places' and will cost you the fuel.
and then a car can take you places and 'will cost you the fuel'.
gotta go .. in a hurry.. shifting tomorrow!
Friday, July 30, 2004
Elections... sad elections
the truth is, person A is 'tha man!'
person B is 'tha dude!'
and person C has got 'tha stuff!'
surprisingly enough A B and C aren't very different.
They are all trying to get elected.
They are all working on their friends and people they have worked with.
They are all trying to show that they are better (be it by showing the other worse or himself greater).
They all believe in working for college, but somehow this seems more like a beauty pageant rather than an election campaign.
A monkey, if ever allowed to vote, would be an impressive supporter from the animal welfare front! and would probably be more publicised than some societies present in college.
The logic that people apply when they talk about support is very profound and still subtle!
Its really difficult to picture something like this, but its more like a double ended sword that has a cover on one side only.! hehe..
They talk about stuff to one section of the people that the other section should never even come to hear! cause if they do, it would hurt a lot!
and they say stuff to the other side, that to the lesser informed, would just be meaningless...
to make on guys campaign work one has to break someones campaign... and believe me you its not that difficult!
paperwork and records might sound like a 20th century crime investigation report, but it worked right?
bye for now!
Saturday, July 24, 2004
long time no blog...
well anyways.. I thought life was much simpler and easier! I didnt know I was supposed to use my brain every breath I take!! I thought I could leave most things to the involuntary parts of my humanoid self! as it turns out, even breathing isn't as involuntary as you think it is!
oh guess what!! I was in ccd the other day and the cafe manager tells me I can have two free cappucinos this month anytime I want! deadly ain't it! I was stunned!
I started studying for cat and it turns out that I dont know english! I know maths though.. but still... english??? I can't believe this! I read a bunch of dinosaur names and turned out they were synonyms for abnegate!!!!!! its stunning what shakespeare's come up with!!!! (not to mention the other great englishmen who've made this language so unknown to me that I sometimes feel I should have just stuck to hindi!!)
right now I can't say which one I know better! infact I don't think I know any! hmm.. but atleast I know the two universal languages.... music and maths! well music not cause I can play it, but cause I can appreciate it!! you might think, appreciate ??? music??? huh??? duh??? and all such adjectives, but seriously I've realised that music has various levels! its is actually a language that encompasses all the dimensions there are...
I've rediscovered that music, no matter how much you listen to it, u can always come up with various other ways to interpret it!
anyways.. maths being the other universal language I believe is still under construction! to think we still can't plot a 4 dimension graph! and we can't determine 0/0 and lots of other things too.. basically, in maths we get by cause what we know isn't wrong and what we dont isn't really required right now! hehe..
I think I should shut up.. hehe!
Wednesday, July 14, 2004
Delhi delhi delhi...
Today is the last day of my summer vacations... I'm now going back to college.. don't know whether to be sad or happy..
I hope I get a room in rez.. I hope the fuchas don't squeal on me ragging.. I hope I get to rag!! hehe...
god my life is getting more and more boring... I can't come up with philosophical crap to talk about! I can't come up with anything scientific.. I need help..
we should discuss something!! hehe..
anyways.. I think I'm done for now. my bus leaves in a couple of hours..
will c u from an internet cafe in delhi!
Wednesday, July 07, 2004
50 First dates Vs Groundhog Day = Life!!
today I have a topic!!!
I bet most of you have seen the movie in which a guy wakes up everyday to the same day??? and somehow only he remembers that the day has begun all over again and everyone else has no clue..
well.. how about this: life itself can be classified as something like that. It is a set amount of time, you don't know how much time... but lets just say a LOT of time (equivalent to a lifetime.. hehe)... when u die.. you just start over as a kid, and you have no clue that the things that are happening just happened some 'time' ago!!!!
And to make it more complex think that everyone is an individual experiencing this, but their 'time' is superposed on your 'time'!! so when you are doing the things you are doing.. they are doing the things they are doing.. when the 'time' limit approaches, all goes back to zero and none of you have a clue of what happened and you start over again thinking its for the first time!!
Its like the girl from 50 first dates!! she had a single day memory, i.e., as soon as she slept she forgot all that happened during the day.. in the same way: when u die, you actually come back as yourself! as a child ofcourse.. hehe..and get to relive this already lived life in any way you like.. its completely up to you to do whatever you want.. heck! you were probably were some great hero last time round, or probably just a flopped out actor. or you could have just been exactly like you are now.. kinda boring, but... its you! hehe..
enough about life and things I don't really understand..
gotta go
Tuesday, July 06, 2004
plan to be spontaneous tomorrow
I decided to make todays post a little small... hehe...
Monday, July 05, 2004
God I can't believe thats what actually went through my head!! When I started writing this I had no clue what to write for todays blog, so I figured I'd type anything and everything that I felt like typing and would keep doing it until the sentence finished.
I was amazed at how my brain actually thought up different things to type and that too so fast!!
I started off with 'I do believe.." cause somehow saying that gets me some time to figure out what to wype next.. usually your brain doesn't need to think about typing once you have decided what you are going to type.. right? so for that much time
(the time that you take typing the begnining of a sentence) I was able to think up various follow up pieces of text that could have made sense.. but my fingers chose to write "I have" since I'm very used to typing those words and came as quite a reflex.
I get a feeling that if I continue to talk about my stunning experiences during this race between the mind and the fingers, I would probably lose most of my readers..
will be back - some time - same place - tomorrow!
Sunday, July 04, 2004
Its just a matter of a pinion.
Just the other day, I dreamt of a man walking on the road. He just kept walking and walking and walking! I had to pinch the guy in that boring dream just to wake myself up!! How can you stand watching a guy (who just might turn out to be you in a while) walk and walk and walk and well.. walk! anyways... after I woke up I realised that I was still bored. I figured that this could have something to do with the meaning of life, the universe and everything. Dreams, they say, always mean something. Before I go on, I would like to ask all of you reading this (and if you know then please tell me about it!!) who the hell are they???? Anyways.. as I was saying, I had absolutely no clue what that man walking in my dream meant and started to analyze why? I started to rule out certain possibilities on the basis of intelligent guesses and well, it was my dream wasn't it?? Obviously, he wasn't being chased - if he were he wouldn't be walking. Unless he was trying to mix in with the crowd. Hey wait a minute!! there was no crowd! or was there?? hmmm.. these dreams certainly know how to avoid electricution dont they? Sometimes I get the feeling that my memory cells have well, rusted elctrodes or something like that cause most things just go unaffected by its field!! Things just walk by and I'll have no clue a second later!
well anyways.. as I was saying.. I thought of trying to get some expert opinion on this so I closed my eyes and flipped a coin. Tales - being chased, heads - just walking. Tales. Dammit!! I knew I was being followed!!! I should have know! I would have turned around and shown that bugger a thing or two. I remember many people saying to me, "karate?? haha! in your dreams."
Hmm.. I figured since this was taking me nowhere, and I was still walking! and well, waking people up in the morning to ask them wierd questions is really tiring... It takes an hour just to wake them up! then another to make them realise how important this question is to you.. and by the end they end up either giving you totally useless answers like,"AS IF I CARE!!!!" or re-direct you to people they dislike...
The human brain is very talented, it knows exactly what you would do in a situation and to some extent it is capable of deducing what another peoson, that you know quite well, would do in the same situation. So I asked myself, what would person A tell me?? well.. haha! In my opinion, A wouldn't give a shit. ok... that didn't go off that well... I think I'll ask B.. hmmm.. B would say... r u sure thats all you were doing? how large were your strides?? did u notice the flooring??? ....... just too many questions. lets try someoneelse.. C would probably say, oh dear! I remember, once I saw myself walking in my dream and then there was a roller coaster and then to the left I saw the ice!! It was very cold.. what were you talking about again??? ..... hmmm.. I sure do have a confused bunch of friends.. I think I should skip D, cause D is to busy in her own matters.. hehe...
E.. now E is the DUDE!!! well.. E would just say.. 'aabhheeeyyyy sshhuuddduup!' (which translates to 'oh! shut up' for all you sophisticated people out there..)
F... hehe.. lets just say all of us know what F has to say... all I can say is that F was probably not very pleasant..
I think since everyone I know... well most of the people I know aren't really dream scietists or anything like that, they wouldn't know.. so I'll just say this sometimes people just wake up and start to think. Something that they should generally be proud of but in some cases avoid.
A man has no troubles. He creates them, for his own pleasure! You might just be cribbing about something, but isn't cribbing a part of you? Wouldn't it be difficult to recognise people if you stop cribbing and they stop taunting and she stops being rude and he starts to actually listen and she realises the more important things in life and that guy over there, realises that your way of living life is the right way of living life, right?
hmm.. I usually dont get too philosophical, but I can't help it!! I've been travellnig all day and I am NOT really in a good mood right now.. hehe...
anyways.. I'll be signing off now!
Friday, July 02, 2004
"Wink, I'll do the rest... "
Well, I used to do this in my old (long)mails and I guess I'll try that out here too! hmm.. I need a motto for this post.. see, when I wrote mails, I used to keep motto's like, "to know each other better!" or "to make fun of the recipient!" or "to ... you get the point right? ... u don't? heh, looser...
I think this post could use a motto like, "to live long and prosper!".. can't really see how I will fit that in, but I could try.. you know.. make this post so historically important and breath takingly amazing that people for all time to come, read it and the day they decide to delete this blog from the face of the earth! with astonished faces say, "This post has lived long and prospered!" ... naah..
I could do better than that right? how about, "to design the format for a perfect post" I could try this yo know.. its not difficult trying to pin point parts of a post that are physically, literally and theoretically important to it.. Look at it like this, a blog is like an anti-'my diary' revolt against secrecy. although it may seem like a 'my diary' kind of thing that a little kid with good hand-writing does, its not!! 'My diary' is an anti-social element and I haev PROOF! Firstly, no one with a bad handwriting dare try it! They make you write somethign daily into that little pink, flower covered, can't-even-see-the-margins diaries that are of a very kryptonitic nature to all of cool man!! Who wouldn't want a beautiful blonde to say wonderful things about him!!! She is the Kryptonite!! Cool turns to sissy!! These things kill!! If you get addicted to them once, they never let you go.. if it were the blonde, I wouldn't mind getting addicted.. but a pink diary!!!!!!!!!!! (shruthi, no offence.. heeh..)
Secondly, these things (the 'my diary' clan people) keep secrets. dark dirty sad secrets... No one dare venture into the secrets, written by any 'my diary' clone (they are all clones!! all they do is sit in a room at night smile WIDE! and look into their book and start of.. 'dear diary, today.... " don't they know the book can't read??? who are they writing for?!?!!!
I believe that if you are gonna write something, then why not let people read it.! People love to read about other peoples personal lives!! just the other day jayan tharayil was asking me whether I'm mentioned girl A, B and C yet in my blog!! well.. obviously enough, I'm NOT stupid!! well.. ok.. a little stupid.. but not stupid enough to publish my crushcapades!! haha! (those I talk about only on mail.. if you want to be included in my mailing list then please respond to this post... haha... kidding.. arey?? seriously.. I was joking about that mailing list thing.. ??? I'm gautam! I make sad jokes.. that was one of them!!! ok I think you got it.. hehe )
I also believe that if you want the blonde, you're gonna have to either buy a LOT of godrej hair dye and bleach.. OR venture out into the world and FIND one!!!!!! dammit.. I can't do both.. dye is too expensive, and so is the blonde.
In any case.. making a log online is much better than writing on paper cause you don't get ink spots!! that is one MAJOR plus point about online.. seriously saves up on ink and also dialogues like, "dude.. i can't understand this..." instead!! people are so damn lazy they never post a comment and you never get to hear their silly annoying crap!! I even have an example for this.. I met Kanak on yahoo and he claimed that my whole food-drub theory was quite like some theory made by someoneelse I know.. I NOT wanting to be related to that person.. hehe.. went psycho.. for a second or two... hehe.. and then we basically chucked the topic and started talking about exam results.. (which by the way, I dont think are out yet..) The important point being that if I had said that food-drub thing in a group of people.. I'd be BLOWN to bits!!! but thank God there are more ways than one to express yourself!!
I do believe I have exhausted my search for a proper motto, cause I was supposed to talk about designing the perfect format for a post... but I haven't really started on that.. well.. the format should be like this, you start off good.. then u go good to bad and start to suck big time.. when you get bored you move on to the main topic and when you are almost done you can simply grab hold of any thing thats left to talk about.. you get the point right?? ... u don't? heh, looser...
READ THIS NOW:: well.... just wanted to say that before I started this post I already had a motto!! haha!! The motto was "to call you a looser and make it seem un-intended...!!!" hehe... now thats what I call the right way to write a post.. confuse the reader. shock him!! and well.. surprise her! (u never want to get on a girls bad side!)
hmm.. I guess I'm done.. I'll be off now.. oh! btw.. I'm going to delhi tomorrow and will be back day after... so I dont think I'll be posting anything till the 4th night.. ciao!
Thursday, July 01, 2004
Wednesday, June 30, 2004
"Ever stop to think, and forget to start again?"
If you are reading this then DONT forget to post a comment! I neeeeeeeeeed to know if someone is actually looking at this stuff!!
well.. anyways. Today's log is gonna be all about how I can't get my hands on a gmail account! haha.. not that I really want one, but anyways.. what's up in your life that can claim to be better than this? (write a comment.. hehe)
I love writing big mails but unfortunately I've lost all the readers I had. But!! Thank GOD! they lasted till I started a blog!!! haha!
well.. its sad that these people dont reply to my mails anymore, but still. Now I have a blog that I can mail to. This even saves up my time since I dont have to re-write anything anymore!! and the trouble of 'you didnt tell me???' dialogues is also gone! cause now if someone doesn't know, well stupid, you should have checked my blog!
My first BIG mail, usually 3 pages in word with a font size of 12, was sent to my last girlfriend. I didn't send her many long mails, we just met up! hehe... Life was good, but in second year things were different. I had to find new people to write big mails to, it was difficult. I tried some peoples patience with semi-big mails, but realised that they would rather not get any mails from me.. hehe.. then came smriti, who I stil write mails to, but not BIG ones... just normal ones, but with her I get regular replies! so thats good. Deepti! what would I do if I didn't find her! well, actually if fud didn't find her! haha! I mailed her a few humongous ones, but then she started to reply tiny ones! so I just sent BIG ones instead. Then came the best part!!!! I got a PHONE!!!!!!!!
and obviously enough my phone bills got to mars before man! ('went through the roof' is another way of saying that... hehe) I started talking instead of mailing and seriously!! its much more interactive!!! some people talk back!! It was AMAZING!! seriously!! haha!! well.. the reason I said that some people talk back is cause some people didn't even care to listen?? as if I care what crap you are saying! atleast I'm litening and trying figure out what you're trying to get at, even if its you little fake fingernail getting stuck!! I would have appreciated if people did that atleast.. anyways.. I tried talking to a LOT of people. didn't work.. not my kind of thing... (hehe... baruah!! what was that thing that wasn't my kind of thing???? I forgot! )
Well a lot of people have come and gone in my phone call list, one person who joined quite late but has recently become one of my top calls, Gunjan! I dont know how or why or what I talk to her! but I just do.. it just fits somehow.. she knows how to talk I guess.. hehe...
Asim I'd say is a good talker. Fahad.. well, at best I'd say he should become a poet... no offence.!
anyways.. there were others too.. the longest BIG mail I've sent is to pai! ??somehow?! I still dont remember what I wrote in that!!! haha! and I've been trying to break that record too. but it just seems toooooo difficult..
the thing is that the mail must be typed in 10 minutes only, from start to finish. It doen't matter if I have thoughts left or not, I just have to stop at or around 10 minutes.. it helps me save time this way..
anyways.. as my mom would say, "night good!"
Tuesday, June 29, 2004
I have FINALLY managed to create the BEST database I have ever made in my life!! It is sooooooo goood!!! I would explain it right here, but I wouldn't want to make you stop smiling now would I???
I wanted to share with the world.. has a nice ring to it doesn't it?? .. hmm.. share with the 'world' some of my experiences in taking control the things that happen around you!!
I somehow believe that the world runs on the theory stated as such: "If you don't expect something AT ALL! It will happen." and no I'm not talking about a space craft from a Douglas Adams book. I'm talking straight plain simple stuff! Life is what you don't expect!
Some people would just read that and think, "hmm.. ok." but lets look beyond your intelligence... hehe... I believe that, THAT is the key to controlling the universe! Convince yourself that you will not get hurt! and pinch yourself!! did it hurt?? well stupid! obviously it will hurt! You're pinching yourself!! I'm talking about things that are not in your control, only!
Hard to believe, but it worked for me!! I actually tried to convince myself for 3 hours that I had absolutely no chance of getting into St. Stephen's and actually convinced myself so much that I ignorantly walked into KMC and was going to pay my fees when someone standing in line behind me got a call from her dad that she got through and then I asked her, more cause I was hitting on her! than wanting to know if I got through, and she asked her dad and he said, "Yes, there is one Gautam Chandna" mentioned here.
you have no clue how happy I was!!! well, one cause I got through and TWO!!! cause even she got through to the same course as me!!! but unfortunately during ragging while I was away getting myself acquainted with the seniors (as they would like to call it) she was among the other girls probably thinking, "what a bunch or idiots!" and then she left college.. without eevn saying goodbye.. :-(
Till the time she left I thought her name was Vidushi!! haha! turned out she was somebody else...
The important point being, I convinced myself that admission in a great college was impossible! and also believed that I was not lucky enough to meet a good looking girl. Once those two happened, I was sure she was in some other course. One that happened, I was sure ragging would be easy and I would easily be able to hit on her later. Once I wasn't able to, I was so sure that after ragging finishes, I'm gonna go foll throttle. She left. Dammit!
But anyways.. I had a girlfriend then, so life was good. So its good I didnt get to hit on anyone! haha..
I think I'll sign off now..
Sunday, June 27, 2004
hmmm.... a blog
today I thought I would write my blog in the morning . There is much that happens in the wilderness, that you forget once you are out of the jungle. ??why! why do I like making and writing such stuff!?
anyways.. Melissa recently told me about the abundance of Stephanians in and from Dehradun. She also suggested creating some kind of society! I think the idea is still deadly! Unfortunately, I made a website for this society... no thats not the unfortunate part.. hehe, the unfortunate part if that my connection is so terrible, I cant even connect to the server to upload the site!!! If anyone can help, please tell me... I've tried cute ftp, ftp and explorer! I'm still trying though, to get it up. Hope it gets done soon.
There is another site that I'm working on, but I dont really know its keywords yet.. hehe... It will have user's, it will have personalized pages for each user and it will have user-groups and discussion boards. That all I know for now. I'm planning on developing the whole thing in five languages.. well, basicly four since html is there anyways... ASP.NET, Javascript, CSS and hopefully mySQL. I dont even know them properly yet!! Hope I learn fast!
My uk star's tryin ta teach me sum slang! Reena's ma blad n am learnin bare talk! yo me finks dis is fyn, ? For those of you who didn't understand : My friend from uk is trying to teach me some slang. Reena is the friend and I'm learning loads of slang. I think this is fine, right?

>Its been some time since I added a pic, so I think I'll go back to the past and add one that's probably the only one I have of those two together! Fud and deepti!! along with Asim and Anusha. In college this photo was referred to as the family photograph. This is how and why: From the right, Deepti the housewife, who has had a tough day shouting at (the mad maid who threw her down the stairs.. hehe.. I forgot her name.). Next if Fud! (ok fine Fahad) the husband, whose come from a tense day at the job. Doesn't know how he will pay for my expenses! since I am the guy who looks like the granddad and also the guy spending all the money! After Fud is Asim, the sweet little boy (hah!) who just joined college and is quite excited! After him is me! The old guy... sadly. Please note: I no longer fancy a french beard! After me is Anusha, more commonly known as Pai. She's still in school... well, in the photograph atleast, hehe!
Just smile.
Hmm.. "this morning I woke up on the wrong side of bed." What the hell does that mean!! there are only two sides! right and left! and if you did get up on the wrong side, go back and get up from the other side!!! and in anycase, for some people anyside is the wrong side!
The only thing I've found meaning in the morning is to drink all the water you can, and then just smile. No! not just show your teeth! smile, as in, smile from inside! and then Yoga and exercise and jog and blah blah blah... Is this too difficult?? well.. u were always grumpy anyways.. so fine! just stick to the smile.
God its difficult coming up with new stuff daily!! Considering that all thats happened today is that I've been sitting infront of my comp and typing away to glory for most of the day... there aren't many new things for me to say! During my hols I'm studying, College days what will I do? Partying all day at friends places, and probably make rhymes like this one too! hehe... damn I'm bored. Shruthi read this!!!! thank you. She is one of the few people who have acknowledged my hard work and labour of typing this stuff daily... anyways, I'm writing a story and thought of putting that up too, but its too long.. will figure out a way for that in some time.
Does anyone have a gmail account? If yes, I'll be your best friend! send me an invite please please please!!!! (for those of you who don't understand.. google mail gives a mailbox size of 1000mb. but u have to be invited into the group, u can't sign up...)
Well, Its getting quite late and I guess its time to say good night.
Good Night.
Saturday, June 26, 2004
The Dawn of CSS!!!!
Well.. most of you low-lifes who spent yesterday complaining either about the weather or groaning cause the one you like is going out on a date with someoneelse, I studied CSS, thats Cascading Style sheets, and now know most of it, quite well!
Can't you see!!!! I need HELP!!!!! I would love to groan about ********** going out on a date with someoneelse!!!!!!! Well, love it at least more than spending ONE DAY on CSS (and XML by the way...).
I discovered a very strange thing while studying CSS, which I am obviously going to share with you.. hehe. You might have thought, twenty years back, the computer was one big load of wires with stuff you would'nt find in any of your really old and then very expensive radios, there were people who were VERY intelligent!! You have to learn CSS and XML to find out!! This stuff has been there ever since!!!
Yesterday was fun.. and so was today, I have m-seal stuck on my fingers, and its not going off. Wierd incident - for those of you who know me, I guess you'll understand.
I have an account at fictionpress!!! go check it out.. I write stories too you know!! (my pen name is: chandna)
Oh and by the way...
Devika Bahadur - it's done like this, "Abbbhhhheeeeyyyyyyyyy sshhuddap!" and not the way you wrote it!
I have to go now..
Friday, June 25, 2004
need help - too bored
I'm acting dead... now I'm pretending to fly towards
the sky.
I am pointing at something suposedly circular in shape
right above my head.
I hope you got that, hehe... Till now today has been
good, I can't understand a bit of CSS!
but its all good... I'll get the hang of it, sooner or
later. There is't much to do at home
nowadays... I'm just sitting here, and programming and
mailing everyone I know, and even people
I don't know for that matter!
Recently while I was on my way home from delhi, I
realised how lucky I am
(touchwood... well... go touch wood!!) hmm.. how lucky
I am to have such a great set of
friends and the best family possible!!
Sometimes I get philosophical and start talking about
things that, at my age, would be
considered meaningless balderdash, but at 70 would be
the worlds finest words of wisdom.
(I know that, cause I usually just repeat stuff I've
read with a bit of masala... hehe!)
I once thought up something that in itself is quite a
deep thought, which would drive
half the suicidal population to actually commit
suicide! (So if you are suicidal, DON'T read!)
I tried to ponder on a small question, "Is food also
just another drug?"
Please note: Not scientifically!
Now wait! I'm not trying to support drugs here! I'm
trying to defame food! Most people get it
wrong when they hear it for the first time. Now for
those of you who know what drugs do, good!
Now's a good time to read on and correct me if I'm
wrong! haha!
Basically drugs can be considered as chemicals that
try, and mostly succeed, to
halt or enhance our nervous system. In some cases the
effect is very desireable!
and in others it acts as a steroid. Both cases are
very addictive.
Now lets try and apply this theory to food! We can't
live without it, we are addicted.
It enhances our nervous system, and helps our body
respond better to external signals.
Somehow this seems too boring to continue any longer,
and in any case I wouldn't want to add
disturbing thoughts to this... at least for now!
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Thursday, June 24, 2004
My First Blog!!!! My first Message!!!
This is me. I'd write a biography right here, but I do believe you'r not that interested! Let me just say that I'd want you to keep coming back here!! and I wouldn't want to make my first post too irritating! Don't you worry though, all the usual things will be added in other sections.
I guess thats enough for the first message.. I think I'll start talking about daily issues from the next one!